Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Fastest Thank You Card Ever

It normally takes me a long while to figure out card challenges
but this one took me like less than 10 minutes,
thanks to two wonderful challenges
CAS(E) This Sketch CTS#17 (too late nonetheless) and Dynamic Duos DD#42


A very simple card to express
a simple message of thanks.


  1. A lovely card featuring these colors. ;-) I'm sorry you missed the CAS(E) deadline, but glad you made it to Dynamic Duos to play along with us this week - thank you! ;-)

  2. Hi Caroline, a lovely Clean and Simple card, I love the bright flower! Thank you for sharing your card with us this week at Dynamic Duos.

  3. This is a great CAS card. I've missed a few deadlines before too. I'm glad you were able to link it up with us. Thanks for joining us at Dynamic Duos.


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